Diplomato all’accademia di musica moderna, batterista dalla forte personalità rock, ma preparato in tutti generi. Vanta un ottimo timing Formado em música moderna, baterista de forte personalidade de rock, mas toca todos Graduated at modern music academy, he’s a drummer with a strong rock attitude e un grande groove!


a San Marino, il 24 dicembre.

Genere preferito:

Rock-Crossover-Funk-Musica Afro Brasiliana

L’Album più bello:

Blood sugar sex magik- Jimi Hendrix Experience – Exodus Bob Marley.

Gruppi importanti:

Hendrix, Doors, Led zeppelin, Rolling stones, Bob marley, Red hot chili peppers, Guns’n roses, Metallica, Pantera, Rage against the machine, Miles davis, John coltraine, Weather report, Chick corea.


Tama Starclassic bb, Sonor delite, rullante Ludwig, piatti Sabian-Ufip-Zildjan.


O.P.S. Ordem Progress Sound

Nashville & Backbones

Planet Hertz


Facebookos gêneros musicais. Tem um otimo timing e um grande groove!


San Marino, o 24 dezembro.

Preferência Sexo:

Rock, Crossover, Funk, Musica Afro Brasileira

O melhor album:

Blood sugar sex magik, Jimi Hendrix Experience, Exodus Bob Marley.

Principais grupos:

Hendrix, Doors, Led zeppelin, Rolling stones, Bob marley, Red hot chili peppers, Guns’n roses, Metallica, Pantera, Rage against the machine, Miles davis, John coltraine, Weather report, Chick corea.


Tama Starclassic bb, Sonor delite, rullante Ludwig, piatti Sabian-Ufip-Zildjan.


O.P.S. Ordem Progress Sound

Nashville & Backbones

Planet Hertz


Facebookwho can play any other music just as well. He has a great timing and perfect sense of groove!


San Marino, 24 december.

Favorite music:

Rock, Crossover, Funk, Afro brazilian music

Best album:

Blood sugar sex magik, Jimi Hendrix Experience, Exodus Bob Marley.

Cool band:

Hendrix, Doors, Led zeppelin, Rolling stones, Bob marley, Red hot chili peppers, Guns’n roses, Metallica, Pantera, Rage against the machine, Miles davis, John coltraine, Weather report, Chick corea.


Tama Starclassic bb, Sonor delite, rullante Ludwig, piatti Sabian-Ufip-Zildjan.


O.P.S. Ordem Progress Sound

Nashville & Backbones

Planet Hertz



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